Messages / Mesaje

Mesaje de la vizitatori:

  • December 21, 2015 at 2:19 PM

Dear Graiul Romanesc,

My name is Nicole Ferenczi and I wanted to take the time a write to this wonderful organization, thanking you for considering and choosing me as a recipient of the Romanian scholarship. As I live away from home, in Ottawa, it will be very beneficial to my educational expenses. I am a proud Romanian, and having such an amazing organization to represent and unite all fellow romanians in my hometown makes me very proud and thankful.

Thank you once again, very much. Nicole Ferenczi

  • October 19, 2015 at 6:49 AM

Va rog sa îmi permiteti sa va semnalez cartea: DonQuijotisme AntropoLexice Editura Europress, Bucuresti Seria de eseuri din cuprins – fuzionând idei de psihologie, sociologie si filosofie – este punctată simetric (initial, median, final) cu trei proze fictionale reinterpretând speculativ-antropologic legendele “Monastirea Argesului” si “Mioriţa”. Aici este povestea “genezei” cartii (web): Si aici se poate citi (gratuit, via-web) din carte:

Cu respect, Mircea Badut